Set the tempo.


Bolster your health.


Take control of your life. 



RETHINK what makes you sick and what makes you well.


Hello My Friend, 

I'm Jeni...

a functional health consultant, previously a physician assistant.

I love medicine. Always have. But what I love even more than the medicine itself is helping people become the healthiest version of themselves. That's the point of medicine, right? To heal and restore health to those who are unwell. Unfortunately, I quickly realized that our healthcare system sets too many people up to fail, not heal. To get stuck. And I don’t know about you, but I hate feeling stuck. 

I have witnessed patients, friends, and family struggle and suffer through the “proper” channels only to be left exactly where they started. No education, no clarity, no next steps… nothing.

I had to get out and do something different - because I have a different vision for the humans I'm serving. Enter health consulting. This combines health coaching, education, and transformation. Coupled with my love for functional medicine, this is my calling.

My dream is to come alongside those who are asking for help, those who are willing to rethink their wellness but have no clue what to do or how to do it.  And now I am honored and privileged to educate and guide my clients through this process. 


On a personal note, in case you’re curious: I am also a wife (15 yrs and counting), mom of two rambunctious little boys, and an indisputable dog-person who loves fresh air, yoga, art, music, and watching football or soccer (well, really just the Packers and Man City). I'm so grateful to live in the heart of California where we always have the option to get out and do something. Rock climbing is my newest hobby that I'm exploring with my kiddos.


Who I help

Women who are frustrated by their own health.
And are ready to rethink, destress, and heal.
If this is you, click here.

   Is this you?

  • Forget getting to the gym, do you struggle to get out of bed in the morning?
  • Are you irritable beyond belief, particularly at certain points in your cycle?
  • Do you have irregular cycles?
  • Or cycles defined by PMS symptoms or heavy bleeding?
  • Is your brain so foggy you find yourself rereading the same sentences over and over again because you just can't pull together enough focus and comprehension the first time?
  • Do you feel your memory has been slipping? 
  • Do you hit a wall in the late afternoon, and just need a nap?
  • But then are unable to fall and/or stay asleep at night?
  • Do you have bloating or stomach pain before, during, or after eating?
  • Have you been slowly adding on the pounds over the years? And are unable to lose the weight despite trying every fad diet out there?
  • Do you have headaches or migraines?
  • Do you have unexplainable aches and pains?
  • Do you feel like you are falling apart, yet you have been told by medical professionals repeatedly that "everything looks normal?"

If this sounds like you,

then you're in the right place.

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I can help you discover the healthier, happier, more vibrant version of yourself, the true you!


All of these sensations, symptoms, and "problems" are your body's way of communicating with you. Letting you know that SOMETHING. IS. WRONG. It is a plea for change. 

Our bodies compensate very well for our poor nutrition and unhealthy habits. Until it can't. With the overload of toxins in our world today, often times we expect too much and help too little.


I am a firm believer in the control you have over your body and your health. You can be the catalyst for your own change!

You can honor yourself by listening to these pleas. And together, we can explore what needs to change in order for your body to heal. 

Together, we will look at your sleep habits, nutrition status, hormone balance, activity level, stressors, hobbies, and relationships. By addressing all of these things, you will find your balance! 

Yes! I'm ready!!

How I Can Help You:

 1:1 Health


Take control and radically transform your health through personalized guidance, strategies, and education.  This is a 6 month program of individualized support designed to bring you the results you want for the life you want. 

Learn More


Health Reset

Whole foods for 5 days. That's it. This is perfect for beginners who are curious what five days of real food would be like. This will be a reset that doesn't cause you to starve! Enroll to join our upcoming reset!

Learn More



Take control and radically transform your health AT YOUR OWN PACE! Follow this 3 month course for step-by-step guidance to de-stressing your body and reshaping your lifestyle to something that fits a healthy & happy you!

Learn More

Get My Free Gift to You

There's no need to wait another second... you can start making changes today that will set you on the path of healing your body!


Grab this PDF and discover 15 simple self-care secrets that I want everyone to know!


"If you change nothing,


nothing will change”

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